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Mountain Lake

Central London

Experience - Dedication - Expertise

Effective Integrated Osteopathic Treatment With Specific Interest & Experience In...
Back, Neck, Joint & Muscle Pain
Sciatica & 'Trapped' Nerves
Jaw / TMJ Pain - TMD & Headaches
Knee Pain / Injury
Chronic Pelvic Pain

Structural & Cranial Osteopathic Techniques
Dry Needling
Exercise Based Rehabilitation
Osteopath at Work


Dr Gary Riley D.O., Ph.D. graduated from the European School of Osteopathy in 1995.  Since that

time he has established several successful Osteopathic practices in London and Kent.  He

provides highly skilled hands-on manual therapy, education, advice & rehabilitation.

Dr Riley has taught at undergraduate and postgraduate levels since 1996 both in the U.K.

 and internationally.  He has taught a variety of subjects including Osteopathic technique, Osteopathic Diagnosis & Integration, Orthopaedics and Pathology.

Gary treats patients with an ethos that is underpinned by traditional Osteopathic principles

and concepts.  He uses a wide range of Osteopathic techniques including soft tissue

manipulation, joint mobilisation, functional & cranial techniques and dry needling.

During his many years in practice, he has developed bespoke and effective treatment for

TMJ/TMD problems, chronic pelvic pain and knee injuries.  He successfully treats a wide

range of other condition and injuries.  Please contact us below to see if we can help you.


Initial Consultation And Treatment - £130.00

Follow Up Consultation And Treatment - £100.00



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Susan P.

Having seen many Osteopaths in my time, Gary comes top of my list. He is intuitive & treats every patient as an individual. It takes minutes for his treatments to take effect, not hours or days.

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Jeni J.

I travelled from Cape Town to see Gary.

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Dan P.

Helped me in more ways that I can say



Gary Riley D.O., Ph.D.

Registered Osteopath

45 Queen Anne Street

London, W1G 9JF

Tel: 0207 846 0148


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